Larry Morrison
10-6-1943 7-2-2007
In Memory of My Nephew
A Man Who Gave His All
Larry was a man who gave his all.
No matter what was needed,
Be it morning, noon, or night,
He always volunteered his time.
Around the home, or out working about,
It never mattered who had the need,
He was always there with a helping hand
Tackling the job, out doing good deeds.
Or, if you just wanted to chat,
You could always stop by,
You’d find a smile upon his face,
For he had the time for all.
Be it Chief, fireman, or friend,
He always found the time,
Helping others was his need,
Never leaving anything undone.
Whenever the call came in,
He’d quit what he was doing,
And off quickly he would go,
Taking care of the emergency.
Larry will be sadly missed
By family, neighbors and friends.
We know he should be resting;
But we know he never did.
I bet if we could see him now,
We would find him busy again,
Probably sitting upon a mower
Mowing God’s beautiful land.
by betty stillion shinn