The Old Graveyard Sketches
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Cambridge Jeffersonian
August 9, 1894 Page 4
The Old Grave Yard in Cambridge
In a former paper we gave the history of the donation by Col. Z. A. Beatty, to William McCracken, Col. Z. A. Beatty, to William McCracken, Col. Seneca Needham and others, of this ground in trust for the town of Cambridge, and of the conveyance, by William McCracken, to the town after its incorporation. We propose now to give some history of its silent occupants, so far as the time worn tomb stones and our memory will serve us. The rows of lots on the west side were first taken, as the enterence was from that side, here we find the Cook family. C apt. Thomas Cook of the Revolutionary war, settled early in the history of Ohio, on the old Wheeling road, three miles east of Cambridge, on two hundred acres of Soldier Bounty land, now the Winfield Scott farm at the crooked bridge, over Cook’s run, thus giving the run its name. We suggest here that there is much unwritten history in the runs of Guernsey county, as their names are taken from the early settlers, or from some local incident occurring along them Your itemizers might trace the history of some of the runs in their localities. The Talbert family, Nathaniel Talbert, known as Yankee Talbert, was a sort of wizard, a pow-power over sick horses and a sort of “yerb doctor,” peeling the bark upward for emetic and downward for a cathartic. The Tingle family, John and George R. Tingle one of the early tavern keepers, and the head of the Tingle family of Cambridge. The Beatty family, Capt. C. P. Beatty, of the war of 1812, and the first clerk of Court of Guernsey Co. The Talbert Family, Lloyd Talbot a prominent character and official in the early history of the county. The Ferguson family is marked by two stones, one to the memory of John Ferguson, Sen. The other to Jane and Washington Ferguson. In the north west corner and perhaps, in the part thrown out into the alley, was the grave of a child of James Oldham which was the first to be buried in the grave yard. In this corner is a stone to Oren Crego. In the south west corner Morman Morgan, the colored barber, was buried “Fobe” Beatty and “Dick” O’Ferrell, slaves, brought from Virginia with these families were also buried in this corner. “Tobe” Beatty was the first colored person to live in Cambridge. There is to the south a stone marked for John Brown. Between those marked are a number of unmarked graves. The original plan of the grave yard seems to have been a double row of lots with a space for a walk between, and as some of the stones face to the east and to the west in the same row and being unevenly set, it is difficult to trace the exact original plan. In this first row is a stone to Robert Bellage 107 years and to a son Robert aged 54 years. The Bell and Ferguson plots are side by side. These were early settlers and connected by intermarriage. In this row and in an unmarked grave lies Francis Dousouchet, a French soldier under Napoleon Bonaparte and father of Dr. Francis Donsouchet an eccentric character in the early history of Cambridge. In this row are buried two who died from unnatural causes, Nelson Talbot, son of Lloyd Talbot, was drowned, in Wills Creek, and William Tingle, son of Geo. R. Tingle, was bitten by a poisonous spider, and died from its effect. Near the Ferguson and Lofland plots is a large Sycamore tree, planted long years ago, by some one of these families. In the next row is the Col Z. A. Beatty square, there is no mark except a stone erected to the memory of Margery Louisa, child of John P. Beatty, and Rachel Sarchet. Next to this is the Gomber square. The old stones re so time worn as to be almost illegible. In this is a stone erected to the memory of Maria Gomber, wife of James B. Moore. Next to this square are some stones, but the traced of the letters are gone. They mark the resting place of some of the Thomas Metcalf family. Next in the row is a monument erected in the memory of Col. Gordon Lofland and Sarah P. Lofland his wife, and to Thomas Metcalf the first husband of Sarah P. Lofland and to the deceased children of these marriages, Sarah P. Lofland was a daughter of Jacob Gomber. In our history of the town we did not reach Col. Lofland as his residence was out side of the original plat. It is now known as the old Lofland house. This in the days of Col. Lofland, on the large and beautiful farm which covered all that part north of Steubenville Avenue and west of fifth street, to Wills creek. Was a cosy place and but a short walk from town, was the scene of many a jolly merry making of the young people of its day. Col. Lofland was prominent in the militia days and during the late war but was not a successful business man. S.
Cambridge Jeffersonian
August 16, 1894 Page 4
Father south in the same row are stones marking the Corbet lot, Peter Corbot and his wife. She was the mother of Dr. C. A. Moore and S.W. Moore of Cambridge. Peter Corbet was of the second Guernsey emigrants, that arrived in Cambridge in 1807. He kept one of the early general stores in Cambridge, and had a mill at Hartford, this county. He flat boated flour down Wills creek and on to the southern markets on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.
On this square are two stones, marked “John”, children deceased. There is a son John, now living, which indicates a determination on his part to perpetuate the name John in the family. The widow Moore was his second wife. Peter Corbet built the long frame hose on wheeling avenue, now owned by Mrs. H. J. Carson. In the earlier history of Cambridge, he owned and lived in the first brick house built in Cambridge, by John Sarchet on the corner of Wheeling avenue and 7th st. now the Carnes property.
Peter Corbet came to this country when a young man and with him came a young man. They were both without means only as they earned money by their labor. Corbet acted on the principle, to sell his labor for whatever he could get for it; the other young man fixed his price and only worked when the price was what he demanded. The result in the end was, Corbet having always found employment became a man of means, while the other, working only when he got his fixed price, lost much time, for want of work and never acquired much means. This might teach a lesson to the young men, who are wage workers today.
Farther south is a stone, marking the graves of J. W. Ragan and John Rowcliff, ministers of the M. P. Denomination, who died in Cambridge, and the only preachers of any denomination to die in Cambridge. Joab W. Ragan was the second pastor in the first church built by the Methodist Protestants. His funeral sermon was preached in this church by his brother, Zachariah Ragan. This occasion brought together the largest congregation in the history of Cambridge of that time. These brothers had promised each other that whichever died first, the other should preach his funeral sermon. But few are now alive, who were present at this sad, and tearful service. The discourse was from the scene at the grave of Lazarus, text “Jesus Wept,” the shortest verse in the Bible. Here brother wept over brother and but few eyes among the hearers were dry. This death occurred in 1835. John Rowcliff died at the home of John Mahaffey, the father of J. P. Mahaffey, of the Herald. Rev. John Rowcliff was a bright young Englishman and had he not been cut down in young manhood, would have made a mark, high up in the history of his denomination; he died in 1846.
There is an inscription, almost illegible marking the grave of James Clements. There are two stones marking the graves of Robert Brown Sr. and Robert Brown Jr. Near these are two stones marking the graves of Joseph Holler Sr. and Joseph Holler Jr. Joseph Holler Sr. kept the Holler tavern in Cambridge, in the early times on the corner occupied by Dr. A. Cooper on Wheeling Avenue. He was killed by a horse jerking him off his feet and falling against a stump on the hill side south of the lot. His daughters were married to James Turner, father of Elza Turner, Esq. to Geo. Metcalf, grandfather of Mrs. Margaret Whest, of Steubenville avenue, to Peter B. Sarchet uncle of the writer and the late Mrs. Samuel H. Oldham was also his daughter.
In this row is a stone, marked to the memory of William Graham. He was married to a sister of Mrs. Nancy Milner, of Cambridge, daughter of David Burt. He lived near Cambridge more than a half century ago, on the now Graves farm, and built what was known as the “long barn” that was destroyed by fire a few years ago. He was also engaged in hauling on the national road in the days when six horses and the white covered wagons were the engines that moved the freight from west to east and from east to west. He became very white haired early in life, dying at the age of 42 years, but looking a score of years older. He was the father of Mrs. E. F. Green, of Cambridge.
A stone marks the grave of Christina Hager, wife of Levi Hager. She died at Barnesville and was brought to Cambridge for burial. She was of the Hill family, early settlers on the Steubenville road, near Centerville. The Hager family were early settlers at Barnesville. The Hill family are buried in this square. The first wife of David Sarchet Sr. was of the Hill family and she with an infant child rest in this grave. C.P.B.S.
Cambridge Jeffersonian
August 23, 1894 Page 4
There are three or four squares for the Allisons, McClarys, Gaffs and McCrackens. These families were connected by marriage, lived side by side during life and in death were not divided. Alexander McCracken, the senior, was 98 years old at his death. William McCracken was buried in the new cemetery. There is one square occupied by the Jesse Johnston family. He was an early hatter in Cambridge. Some of this family died at the time of the scarlet fever scourge, that swept over Cambridge in 1833.
In the Beatty square is a stone for John Beatty, aged 88 years. In lifting the stone out of the ground we had the words “who settled-“the remainder of the stone being moldered away. He was the first to settle in Cambridge of the Beatty family, but the year is not certainly known, being fixed at 1803. He died in 1821. He was known as “old John Beatty”.
Near the fence on the north side are two stones, marking the graves of children of George Clark. The name “Henry” is on one, the date is obliterated. By these are rose bushes, perhaps planted by a mother’s hand, more than a half century ago, that all these years have budded and bloomed in springtime and the roses parched and withered by the summer’s sun, have been driven by the wind. “As a flower of the field, so he flourishoth; the wind passeth over it and it is gone.”
Near by are two stones, but no mark except “M. S.” on one at the foot stones. Another is marked “W. W.” These being very old stones, we think mark the graves of two of the early families of Cambridge, Stewarts and Whitakers. Whitaker first kept the old Ferguson hotel on Wheeling avenue and Stewart kept the old Bridge House at the crossing of Wills creek.
Close by are the children of Hamilton Robb, who died of scarlet fever in 1833. A slab marks John Martin aged 74 years. A stone almost sunk in the ground marks the grave of Dr. A. C. Thompson. In the fourth row, two stones mark the graves of James and John Nicholson, brother and uncle of respectively of A. W. and D. W. Nicholson of Cambridge. On the brow of the hill are stones marking the graves of children of John Alters a saddler in Cambridge, forty years ago; one for a child of J. H. Smith, father of George Smith, the barber and one for John D. Nevin. He had a bakery in Cambridge forty years ago and drove about the streets with a wagon, on which was the sign, “Buy your daily bread.”
In the center of the fourth row is a stone to Daniel Motte, who was an early settler in Cambridge, and a large square marks the dead of this family. Mrs. George D. Gallup and Mrs. Maria Bonnell of Cambridge are grandchildren of this family. Near this square is a stone to Bazil Williamson, an early settler. Next in the row are the Lenfesty family. A stone marks the grave of Rachel Carlo, wife of John Carlo, of Zanesville, Ohio she was a Lenfesty. There is a stone to Harriet Carlo, daughter of John and Rachel Carlo. Some of this family are yet living in Zanesville. The Lenfesty family were the early Guernsey settlers. Thomas M. and W. H. F. Lenfesty, of Winchester, this county, are grandsons of this family.
There is a stone to a child of Elisha Blanpied. He was a young man, of the Guernsey emigrants and a tailor, working at his trade in the now J. O. McIlyar block a half century ago.
Two stones mark the graves of children of Selden and Margaret King. A long grave is marked “W.W.” nothing else legible. This we think marks the grave of someone of the Wines family, early settlers one mile east of Cambridge, on the old Wheeling road, on the now Ferguson farm.
A stone under an elm tree marks the grave of Catharine Tracy, daughter of W. W. Tracy Esq., who was a prominent attorney and whose name is perpetuated in Cambridge by the Tracy addition.
There is a broken shaft to the family of Ebenezer Smith, Sr., who was an early settler in the county, first at Washington, later in Cambridge. He as county Sheriff and Treasurer, and for a long time a Justice of the Peace of Cambridge township. He was one of the early Presbyterians of Cambridge, but later in life, in anti slavery days, became a True Weslevan. William Smith, his son, was Recorder of the county and Post Master at Cambridge, under the Taylor administration. James M. Smith, a son, was an early portrait painter and the first resident photographer of Cambridge.
In our last, we were in error in saying that the Rev. John Rowcliffe died at John Mahaffey’s. He died at the home of James Turner, who then lived in the west part of the old Col. Needham tavern, then standing on the Orme Hoge lot. He was carried up the alley by his brethren of the church to his last resting place. We have a copy of the Semi Centennial, of the church, prepared by the Rev. S. A. Fisher at the time of building the present church. It is very defective, not giving many of the names of the former preachers. This name, John Rowcliffe, is omitted. We have been informed there is not in the church here a complete list. C.P.B.S.
Cambridge Jeffersonian
August 30, 1894 Page 3
We now come to what was called the new part. The lots in this are taken by the second generation, and the graves mark the beginning between 1830 and 1840. On the brow of the hill on the south, a stone marks the grave of Amanda, daughter of John McCarrell, he lived west of Cambridge. Coming north, a stone marks the grave of Caesander Rogers, daughter of Michael Rogers. She was a school mate of the writer, Michael Rogers was a merchant in Cambridge and afterward removed to Newcomerstown and was engaged to canal boating. Two squares are taken by Dr. John P. Tingle and Joseph D. Tingle. The deceased are children of John P. and Amanda Clark Tingle and all of the deceased of Joseph D. Tingle’s family. He was laid by the side of his wife, Catharine Thomas Tingle, at his request, and was in his life time much opposed to destroying or disturbing this old resting place of the dead.
A stone of later date marks the resting place, of David G. and Mary Owens. These were both of families connected with the early history of Cambridge. David O. Owens was a relative of the Gombers, Beattys, and Metcalfs, Mary Davis Owens was a daughter of Quaker John Davis, of whom we gave some history in connection with the old court house. The Hamme family are children and grand children of David G. Owens.
A stone marks the grave of William Patterson. This stone, although erected more than forty years ago, seems to be but little decayed, is more perfect than many of the marble stones of later dates. It would be of importance, at this time where, if in this county, it came from, as a quarry of such flag stone would be of great value.
There is a stone marking the graves of John and Julia Ann Cook and several children of this family. This John Cook was a son of Capt. Thomas Cook, and father of John B. Cook, who was shot by Oliver and Hartup, who were tried and convicted by a military commission, at Cambridge, of which Gen. A. J. Warner was the president and Col. J. D. Taylor, the judge advocate. Hartup and Oliver were hanged at the Ohio penitentiary, after making a full confession.
Near the fence on this north side are stones marking the graves of Harriet McStanley and some children of Alexander and Margaret McStanley. This family have now left off the Mc. Harriet was a daughter of Brazil Williamson, an early settler in Cambridge.
All along we find little hillocks, who rest beneath, perhaps no one knows now. In the years gone by, they may have filled well their places as members of community and as citizens. They labored and toiled in the wilderness, endured hardships and privations, of which we of this generation can never know. Today what is hidden is being searched after. What seemed of little importance in the beginning, would now, in the hands of the historian be of incalculable value. This little scrap we are writing, through imperfect, will be in the near future all that is known of this silent city of the dead. How true that, “Man dieth and goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the street.”
There is a study for geologists from these stones. Some remain almost as perfect as when they were set up three score years ago; others are decayed and gone; others fast crumbling away. Marble and granite alike wear away. As the constant drop wears the hardest rock, so time is wearing away the stones, set up as a perpetual memory of those gone before. The sands of the desert and the dust of ages have buried in the old world’s once populous cities, so four score years are obliterating from view in this city of the dead, the designation of its inhabitants, proving to us that nothing endures but time, the tomb builder. What are granite and marble but sand and lime pressed by the weight of ages.
At the late excursion to Marietta, we visited the mound cemetery of that city and climbed to the top of that wonderful work of a prehistoric people, the Mound Builders. This old cemetery, as well as the one at Harmar, containing the dead of the first settlers of Ohio are places of beauty where visitors delight to spend an hour. These grounds are reserved perpetual, and that they may so remain, the citizens take a pride in caring for them. Here in this old Cambridge cemetery many of the dead have been removed and the graves of those remaining have been left uncared for, because of the efforts that have been made from time to time for its destruction. If those having dead in it could have the assurance that it would remain, this cemetery in the years to come, would be a historic and beautiful reservation. S.
Cambridge Jeffersonian
September 13, 1894 Page 4
In the next row to the east are stones marking the graves of Alfred H. Tingle and Margaret Tingle, his wife. He was a son of George R. Tingle, and the father of A. H. Tingle, of Cambridge. Margaret Tingle was a daughter of David Newell, who laid out a town on the site of St. Clairsville, in 1801, which was first known in the history of Ohio, as Newellstown. Next to these are Capt. John Jack, of the revolutionary army, and his sister, Rachel, and William Gibbs, and his sister Mary. These we spoke of before as living together, being of the same family and not related. In death they are the same family. There is a broken shaft to John Mahaffey, father of J. P. Mahaffey, and Mrs. E. Nichols, of Cambridge, and to some infant children. He died in 1852, and was buried with Masonic honors, and the emblems of the order are graven on the monument, the square and compass. Next is a square to Christopher Danheffer and family. He was a soldier of the war of ’12, and one of the pioneers of Cambridge. Near this square is a stone to George Callihan, son of M. and Maria Callihan. Moses Callihan was also of the early settlers near Cambridge. He and Danheffer married sisters of the Mottee family. The Danheffer family of to-day have abbreviated the name to Danover. Next are two stones to the memory of William and Jane Dripps. He was a doctor, and was connected with the Britton family that were former owners of the Guernsey Coal Company lands. They died in 1846. This was known as the sickly fall, when the Typhoid fever raged to an alarming extent in and around Cambridge. Many graves are found marked in this year. Near these is a slab, blown over, marking the grave of William Shaw. Next to this is an unmarked grave in which is driven a memorial flag stake. This is the grave of Maj. James Dunlap, of the staff of Gen’l Winfield Scott in the war of ’12. He took part in the battles of Lundy’s Lane and Chippence. Two stones mark the graves of Joshua and Nancy Davis. He lived on the now Graves farm east of Cambridge, before William Graham whom we already noted. He was the father of the late James Davis. A stone marks the grave of John M. Clark, and by it a dismantled stone to the memory of “Aunt Peggy” Moore, wife William Moore. She was a sister of the late Isaac Morton and the mother of Mrs. E. M. Scott of Cambridge. John M. Clark was a nephew of William Moore and was of the California ??ers, returning to die in Cambridge in 1855. A broken stone marks the grave of Eliza M. Wallace, wife of Rev. William Wallace, was the pioneer Presbyterian preacher of this section of Ohio. In the days of slavery he was an able advocate of the American Colonization society, and but many public discussions with the advocates of the Abolition sentiment just beginning to take form. The most noted of these was one between him and Rev. Henderson, of the Seceder church, out of which grew a slander suit which passed through the courts of this county in the fifties. There are stones marking graves of children of Charles and Ellen Crego. And one to Easter Karnes, daughter of Louis D. and Martha Karnes. He was a tailor coming to Cambridge in 1841 and was for a time a partner with Elza Turner, Esq. in the tailoring business. Martha Karnes was a daughter of Capt. John S. Gaff. We spoke of the Gaffs in connection with the McCrackens, McClorys and Allisons. In the next row beginning at the south side are stones to the memory of Charles and Susan Scott, father and mother of Ross Scott, of Cambridge. Charles Scott, was an early settler in Knox township, but returned back to Pennsylvania in 1842 he returned to Guernsey county settling on the Scott farm at the crooked bridge east of Cambridge, on the National road where he spent the rest of his life. He was a jovial companionable man, and was called by everybody “Uncle Charley.” A stone marks the grave of Margaret, daughter of Wm. and Polly Turnbaugh. Near by is a square for the Neeland family, Joseph Neeland, age 75 years. He was one of the early weavers, living on the now Joseph Brown farm west of Cambridge. He wove the woolen coverlets, webs for home spun cloth, linen and carpets. There is a stone to Easter, wife of Robert Brown, and to Susan wife of Emanuel Wines. A little slab marks the grave of John, son of N. and J. A. Atkinson. Mitchel Atkinson was of a pioneer family, on Wills creek at Atkinsons’ ford, and one of the early blacksmiths of Cambridge. S.
Cambridge Jeffersonian
September 20, 1894 Page 4
In passing by a dismantled stone that we had before noted as illegible, the sun’s raye striking the stone from the west gave us the outlines of: Catharine, consort of Andrew McConehay.” Andrew McConehay was an early settler, east of Cambridge and was, perhaps, the first to begin the coal trade of Cambridge, hauling it from what was then known as the McMurray bank. It was in the same hill and north of the present Milliner bank from which so much coal has been hauled to Cambridge. In the same row described in our last paper is a stone to the memory of Ann Jamison, wife of John Rogers, aged 70 years. A very neat stone marks the grave of Mary Ann Entz, wife of John Entz. She was a daughter of Thomas Sarchet, Jr. We presume this new stone was placed there by direction of Elias Entz, her son, who recently visited friends in Cambridge. The old broken stone should have been removed by whoever erected the new one. We presume preparations are being made to mark the graves of grandfather Elias Entz and wife.
There is one square given to the Lofland family. Joseph Lofland and Elizabeth, his wife, Boreman Lofland and Mary H. his wife, Rebeca, sister of Joseph and Gordon Lofland, and some dismantled stones, erected to children of Boze and Susan Lofland. Boze Lofland was a brother, Boreman and Mary H. Lofland were grandfather and grandmother of those who erected the stones.
The last one in the row is that of John M. Danheffer and Maria J. daughter of John M. and Mary Danheffer. In the next row, beginning on the north side is Maria S. wife of James Mottee and some children. Next is Sarah, wife of John Huston. A square is occupied by Jane S., daughter of Wm. McGill, of Pittsburg, Pa. She was a sister of Rev. James McGill, how for many years, was pastor of the U.P. church of Cambridge Jane S., a beautiful and lovely young lady, was taken away in early womanhood. The hectic flush was on her cheeks, but it was delusive. Consumption lacked within.
How short the race our friend has run,
Cut down in all her bloom
The course but yesterday begun
Now finished in the tomb.
Thou, jovous youth, hence learn how soon,
Thy years may end their flight;
Long, long before, life’s brilliant noon,
May come death’s gloomy night.
The next is a stone to Alcinda, daughter of Richard and Sarah Hatton was at that time editor and proprietor of the Guernsey Times. He was the father of the late Hon. Frank Hatton. Sarah Hatton was a daughter of Rev. Allen Green, a pioneer preacher of the M. E. church, and aunt of Mrs. Kate McMahon of Cambridge.
The next square is given to Priscilla M Beatty, wife of John A. Beatty. She was a daughter of Benjamin Briggs, of West Libery, W. Va., who figured prominently in the settlement of the Pan Handle, West Virginia and eastern Ohio, being in many conflicts with the Indians and was employed as a surveyor in the first surveys of lands in Ohio. He was the original owner of the land upon which Cambridge is now built. John A. Beatty was a son of Captain C. P. Beatty and was editor and proprietor of the Guernsey Times in 1837 and afterward in connection with Lambert Thomas, father of J. Sterling, of Cambridge under the firm name of Thomas & Beatty, was connected with the Zanesville Republican in Zanesville, Ohio. John A. Beatty married for his second wife, Cecelia Flood, sister of Charles Flood, a prominent Democrat and editor in Ohio. He was appointed to a clerkship in the treasury department in Washington D. C. under the Taylor administration as a Whig, and through Whig influence and the Democratic influence of Charles Flood, he was continued in office through successive administrations. He died in Washington City during the Lincoln administration and was buried in the Congressional cemetery.
In the next square are buried the ancestors and relatives of the writer. Thomas Sarchet, born in the Island of Guernsey in 1770, settled in Cambridge in 1806; Annie, his wife, James Bichard Sr., a grandfather of the writer, Judith Ferbrache, sister of Thomas Sarchet and Rachel M., daughter of Moses and Martha Sarchet.
The next is a stone to John Baxter. He was of the Baxter family of Washington, this county and uncle of A.M. Baxter of Cambridge. In this square were buried Isaac and Sarah Oldham. They were lately removed to the new cemetery. John Baxter was their son-in-law, A stone marks the grave of a child of Robert T. and Sarah Allison, and near by is one to a child of B. and Mary Williamson. A square is given to Nicholas Martel, who died in 1847. He was from Guernsey Isle and a direct descendant of the great Charles Martel, the duke of the Franks, who gained the declaive victory of Poitiers in A.D. 732, that checked the power of the Moslems and saved western Europe from further invasions. He was surnamed “Martel, the Hammer” Nicholas Martel was a salt boiler and made the first salt form the wells of Guernsey county.
In a square on which are planted privet and lilacs is a monument to Enoch and Abigale Hutchison and their deceased children. These are the parents of A. J. Hutchison and the twin brothers Josiah and Cyrus of Cambridge.
The next is a square sacred to the family of John Keeran and a stone erected to Rachel Keeran, wife of Wyatt J. Tingle. John Keeran was a tavern keeper in early days on the now Ellis Kelley farm. In the Keeran square is a slab, around the foot of which an elm tree has entwined its roots, making it secure from the western blasts. James Mottee’s grave begins this row and it ends with a stone to Mary, wife of James Mottee. She was a daughter of Joseph Cockrel, an early settler and a miller at the old Gomber mills, located on the north bank of Wills creek at the point of the intersection of the B. & O. and C. & M. railroads south of Cambridge.
Cambridge Jeffersonian
October 4, 1894 Page 4
First on the next row, beginning at the south side is the grave of Augustus Burt, son of Col. David Burt. He was educated for the ministry of the Presbyterian church, but died young, before having any regular pastorate. The next is a stone to Caroline R. Tolbert, wife of Nathaniel Tolbert. She was of the Richard family of Cambridge. He was of the Tolbert family mentioned in our first paper. The next is a stone by the side of one blown over, to Margaret Anne Bonnell, wife of William Bonnell Esq. She was the youngest daughter of Z. A Beatty. Her first husband was Theodore Ross. He came from Zanesville to Cambridge, was a son of George Ross, and a brother of A. C. Ross who distinguished himself by singing the Tippecanoe and Tyler song, “Tis the ball that’s rolling on,” at a great Whig mass meeting in New York city in 1840. Theodore Ross was a gunsmith, in Cambridge a half century ago.
Margaret Ann Beatty inherited from her father the old tavern, the “Bridge house” that stood on the now Central Ohio Railroad grounds, on Wheeling Avenue, at the crossing of Wills creek, by the old toll bridge. She died in this house as did her first husband. She was the second wife of William Bonnell Esq., who died in 1855 and was the last to occupy the old house.
The next is a stone, erected by Daniel Eberle, in memory of Elizabeth Eberle, his daughter. He was a brewer and had a brewery east of Cambridge, on the now W. D. Turnbaugh farm. The ale and beer of his brewing had at that time a wide reputation, as a healthful beverage. The next is a stone to Elizabeth Cook, relict of Capt. Thomas Cook, aged 91 years. Dr. Lyle, a son-in-law, lies in the same row. The next is Rhoda Wilson, aged 17 years, daughter of Hugh and Mary Wilson. Before removing west, he lived on the Joseph Brown farm, west of Cambridge. He was a prominent Presbyterian and one of the foremost farmers and wool growers of the county. He now lives in Mexico, Mo. and still takes a great interest in the welfare of Cambridge, and through blind, by an amanuedsis, sends occasional letters of greeting to his old friends here.
The next square is devoted to members of the John Dixon family. Eliza Dixon, wife of Cyrus Cook, Cynthia Dixon and some children of Cyrus and Eliza Cook. In the next square are three stones, placed at the graves of grown persons, all so worn as to be illegible. On one of the foot stones are the letters “J.B.” the next is a stone to Mary S., daughter of John and Eliza Ferguson; the next has no marked graves. Next square is occupied by Bertha Bute, wife of Noah Hyatt, and Mary Jane, daughter of Noah and Bertha Hyatt. West of these, is a square already noted, lies Anna Jamison Rogers. She was the mother of Noah Hyatt, of Cambridge.
The next square is occupied by Mary Ann, wife of S. M. Oldham and some of their children. She was the mother of Isaac A. Oldham, of Cambridge. In the next square are stones to the memory of Rachel Nelson, daughter of Isaac and Sarah Oldham, William, son of John Marling and Rachel, daughter of John Marling. Capt. John Marling was an early settler, north-east of Cambridge and the grandfather of the Marlings of Cambridge.
The next two squares are occupied by the Greens and Moores. First is a monment to Dr. Milton Green and stones to Lewis Austin and Clarence Grummon Green. These are children of his second marriage, his wife was Emma Grummon, daughter of Ichobod Grummon Esq. There is a stone to Susan Moore, daughter of Gen. Robert B. Moore, wife of Dr. Milton Green, and by her side are stones to Susan and Cassius Allen Green, children of Milton and Susan Green. Susan Moore Green was the mother of Mrs. Kate McMahon, of Cambridge, and of Robert M. Green, of California. There is a stone to Catharine Gomber, wife of Gen Robert B. Moore, and one to Thomas S. son of Robert B. and Catharine G. Moore. Here are the mother and two children, Susan and Thomas S. of a large family, historically connected with Cambridge and Guernsey county, in the beginning as proprietor of the town and as early officials of the county. Gen. Robert B. Moore and others deceased of the family are buried in California.
The next square is given to Allen W. Beatty Esq. and Arabella Noble, his wife. These are also historic names. Here side by side lay the Gomber’s and Beatty’s as side by side the bearers of these names marked out Cambridge, looking away to the distant future for its greatness and dedication this spot as the burial place.
As it became necessary to Abraham, in his wanderings, on the death of Sarah, his wife, too possess a place to bury his dead out of his sight, so in the beginning of Cambridge, this ground was set apart that their dead “might be buried out of sight.”
These places come to be sacred and the future generations turn to them with the same desire that Jacob had when dying in Egypt, he said; “I am to be gathered unto my people, bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Machphalah, in the land of Cannan, which Abraham bought for a possession for a burial place. There they buried Abraham and Sarah, his wife, there they buried Isaac and Rebekah, his wife and there I buried Leah!
How many, dying in a distant land, have said as said Joseph, although second in authority in Egypt, who might have been embalmed and laid away in great state in some pyramid sepuichrum, “I died; God will surely visit you and ye shall carry my bones from hence.”
The last in this row is a square to the Thomas family, the grandfather and grandmother of J. Sterling and Mary Thomas, of Cambridge. This square is enclosed by a neat iron fence and about the grave are planted roses to bloom in the spring time and fall away and wither with autumn’s blasts, indicative of the shortness of life. Richard Thomas was an early merchant in Cambridge. Lambert Thomas was a prominent Whig and editor and proprietor of the Guernsey Times before 1840. His wife was Catharine Gomber Metcalf. They both died in Philadelphia Pa. S.
Cambridge Jeffersonian
October 18, 1894 Page 1
We are now at the walk through the yard north and south opposite the Ogier-Orme alley. We want to make this statement as to the donation. The donation first made of the graveyard was by Jacob Gomber and Col. Z. A. Beatty as joint owners and proprietors of the town of Cambridge, O., Jacob Gomber dying early in the history of the town. There was no conveyance of the grounds until after his death, when it was thought the grounds should be larger. The enlarge part was bought from Col. Z. A. Beatty and he as the survivor made the deed covering the whole grounds, to Wm. McCracken and others in trust for the town of Cambridge, Ohio. The first part, what we have called the old part, was a donation and the second part, what we have called the new part, was a purchase, by the citizens of Cambridge.
We begin in the row on the east side of the walk, at the south side. The first marked grave is a stone to Willi? Suitt, son of Z. C. and Mary Suitt. The next are stones to Joanna and Mary C., daughters of Otho and Catharine Burt Wilson. Otho Wilson, was a son of Joshua Wilson, an early settler of the county and one of the first land surveyors; Catharine Wilson was a daughter of Lieut. David Burt. Her first husband was Richard Byemer, father of ?. B. Beymer, her second husband, Otho Wilson was the father of C. B. Wilson. These two sons are now real estate agents of Cambridge. Near this square is a memorial flag stake, perhaps intended for the grave of Lieut. David Burt, of the war of 1812. In this square in other years was a grave marked Cyrus B. Burt. From the looks of the square we think the remains of the Burt family, have been removed to the new cemetery. The next is a stone to Israel, son of David and Mary Ann Sarchet. The next square is devoted to the Bell family, the square has been curbed with stone and in the center is a monument, erected by Walter A. Bell, to the memory of our beloved ones, on the monument are the named of Nancy Bell, mother, Margaret, Emma, May, and Samuel, sisters and brother. Samuel Bell was a rising young lawyer, of Cambridge, dying in 1851. He was married to Sarah Turner, sister of Elza Turner, Esq. She is buried in this square. On the east side of the monument is the name of Rev. Walter A. Bell, of the Pittsburgg Conference, of the M. E. church, dying in 1859. He was a brilliant young minister, to whom, by his brethren of the church, was applied the term “the John Summerbell of the Pittsburg Conference.” He came home to Cambridge to died and be laid by the side of his “beloved ones,” to whose memory he had erected the monument, and on which was to be inscribed, his name after his death. In the next square are the dead of the Turner family, John A. son of Elza and Susanna Turner, William H., son of James and C. H. Turner. A memorial flag stake marks the grave of James Turner, Esq., a soldier of the war of 1812. The next is a slab to the memory of Matilda Davis wife of Samuel Davis.
We now come to several squares from which the remains have been removed to the new cemetery. The Albrights, father and mother of C. J. Albright. There are also others, to us unknown. On a small stone is graven a lamb, and “Our Little Shannon,” son of James DeLong. The next monument to Col. Seneca and Rhoda Needham. The next are stones to Lola and Laura, daughters of John M. and Eliza Bushfield. In the next square are the graves of Samuel Morrison, and Mary Jane, daughter of Samuel and Margaret Morrison. The next is a stone to Dr. R. S. Barr. He was a brother of Samuel C. Barr and was a student in the office of the late Dr. John T. Clark, of near Washington, this county. The last in this row, is a stone to Mary Ann Morton, wife of David Morton, now of Kansas.
The first in the next row on the South side is a stone to Rebecca Long. The next is to Hester Ann, daughter of John and Edith Fogle. John Simons and John Fogle were brothers-in-law and were partners in the Cambridge foundry, forty years ago. The next is in memory of William R. Buchanan, Esg. who died in 1885. He was a Justice of the Peace and at the time of his death the Prosecuting Attorney of the county. He represented the State in the Slave Rescue case in 1854, when two colored boys were taken from a wrecked train by Peter B. Sarchet. These slave boys being brought into Ohio by an agent of the owner, were declared free, by the act of the owner who took his property into a free State.
The next are two stones almost illegible to children of Joseph and Amanda Dilley. R. H. Dilley, the Jeweler, of Cambridge, is a son. The next square is occupied by the dead of the Ball family. A broken shaft is erected to the memory of Gen. James M. Ball Esq. The next are graves covered by two slabs, on one of which is inscribed, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Eleanor McFarland, dying in 1889. John McFarland lived on the Steubenville road, now the George D. Galiap residence. The next is a stone on which is chiseled a rose, to the memory of Martha Mathe??. She was the first teacher of piano music in Cambridge.
On the next square is a monument, with a square base, erected by Cynthi??? wife of David Baumgardner. He was in the mercantile business, fifty years ago, on the now Craig corner, and is a part of the same room, under the firm name of Craig & Baumgardner. He was the father of _ Baumgarten, of Cambridge, who has adopted the original German name. On this monument is engraven the name of Cyathiae Evans, the wife, who was a daughter of Dr. Evans one of the early residents of Washington this county. S.
Cambridge Jeffersonian
November 8, 1894 Page 1
The Last Chapter.
We come to the last row on the last side. In this are some of the aged. The first is Edward Roseman, aged 80 years. He was the grandfather of Mrs. Julia A. Davis, of Cambridge. He lived for many years, on West Steubenville street and was by occupation a weaver. He owned a farm in the west end, a part of which is now included within the corporate limits of Cambridge. The next is a stone to Almira, daughter of the Rev. James Drummond, dying in 1841. Dr. James Drummond was at that time preacher in charge of the Cambridge circuit, of the Pittsburg Conference, of the M. E. church, and was the first preacher sent from the Pittsburg Conference to Cambridge.
The next is a square to the Chapman family. Here is a stone to John Chapman. He was one of the pioneer settlers on 400 acres of military bounty land on the waters of big Wills creek. Part of this land is now the George Watson farm, south east of Cambridge. John Chapman lived in a cabin, on the bank of Wills Creek, where he reared a large family of boys. These were all naturally fitted for backwoodsmen, being born in the woods they spent much time in providing wild game, for provisions, and furs for barter for other necessary articles. On this farm was a deer park in which for years were kept quite a number of deer, old and young. Its beginning was by the capture of two fawns male and female. Of this Chapman family there are none now living in this community. Mrs. Margaret Burton a daughter who rests in this square aged 90 years, and mother of James Burton, of the Guernsey mines, was the last of the original family. John Chapman was a stanch Whig and expressed a great desire to live to vote for Gen. W. H. Harrison; but he died Sept. 24, 1840. By his side rest his wife, Katy, also aged 82 years. There is a stone to Mary Ann, consort of Jacob Chapman. The stone to John Chapman is the workmanship of Gideon Veitch the father and grandfather of the Veitch family of Cambridge. He was a Scotchman, coming to this country, with Alexander Wallace, who was a master in the mason work, in Cambridge three score years ago. Gideon Veitch completed his trade of stone cutting, with a Scotch mason in Columbus, Ohio. Some of the old stones in the grave yard and this one in particular show him to have been a master workman in that art.
The next is a square to the Scott family. Alexander Scott, Annie Scott and Alexander L. Scott. These are father, mother and brother of the late Elza M. Scott of Cambridge. The next is “a tribute to Ransom Jones, of Cortiandville, N.Y., dying August 25, 1838.” On this stone is chiseled the representation of a weeping willow and a climbing vine. The next is “a memento of Levi Morgan who died Sept. 22d, 1837. At the base are these words. “Be ye therefore ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.” Levi Morgan was traveling on horse back, and stopped for the night at the old Judge Metcalf tavern on west Wheeling avenue. He was assigned to a room in the third story. In the morning he was found dead on the pavement, below. The window of his room was open and it was supposed that in some way he had fallen out. His horse and effects were taken charge of by Judge Metcalf and used to pay the expenses of the funeral, and for this slab that marks his grave, erected by A. Fesler. If we recollect right, we think that he had nothing on his person to designate where he came from.
The next under an apple tree is a stone almost obliterated, that marks the grave of Joseph Burton, husband of the late Aunt Becky Burton, of Cambridge. The next is a square taken up by three McCarlys, dying in 1840. John the father, Sarah, mother, and Martha daughter, in the extreme south east corner is a small stone to four infant children of Daniel and Martha Shively.
In one of our papers we noted three graves with stones illegible except J. B. on one of the foot stones. We have received a note from W. C. Bryan, of Zanesville, Ohio, saying these are the graves of his father, mother and brother. His father, Thomas Bryan was an early settler, in Cambridge, and was one of the first constables, of the township. The mother of James Bryan was connected with the Ohio Stage company as agent, dying in 1841. We also spoke in one of our first papers of a dismantled stone under a sycamore tree, which was illegible. C. L. Madison informs us that when he came to Cambridge in 1841, this tree not thinker than his finer was growing by a stone on which was the names of Marshal. The husbands name on one side and the wife’s on the other. This tree is near the Gomber square, and we suppose the Marshals were Andrew Marshal and his wife. He was the contractor and builder of the first gaol, of the county in 1810-11.
We have now passed over the ground row by row. What we have written of this old city of the dead may have been of enterest to some. To us it has been a recall from the past to the present, and whilst we resolved, in memory the lives and associations of many, our mind was filled with pleasant recollections, but withal tinged with sadness as we lightly trod the walks and thought:
“Determined are the day thst by
Successive o’er thy head
The numbered hour is on the wing
That lays thee with the dond.”
We would suggest that the stones that are broken and displaced be laid upon the graves and that those standing be straightened up. The cemetery trustees might have those cared for who have no one to look after them, and the others would be looked after by the friends and relatives still living, who have an interest in the preservation of the cemetery. It has already been attacked by a spirit of vandalism. Let it be guarded against any farther attack. C. P. B. Sarchet.