Soldiers Buried as of 1890
For once in a generation past since the close of the war of the rebellion, a clear, bright day greeted the populace as they suspended all business and united in the beautiful ceremony of strewing flowers upon the graves of our dead heroes. The exercises were under the management of the G.A.R. post, of Cambridge, of which J.C. Carver, Esq., is at present Commander. The procession, headed by the Cambridge Cornet Band, was composed of members of the Cambridge Post G.A.R. the Union Veteran Legion and other ex-Soldiers of the war of the Rebellion, Sons of Veterans and children of soldiers, the pupils of the Cambridge public schools and citizens. It was an imposing parade, the largest we ever witnessed in Cambridge.
Arriving at the cemetery, flowers were placed upon the graves of soldiers, all of which had been previously marked with flags by the committee. A stand had been erected on the eastern border of the grounds from which the ritual of the G.A.R. was read by Commander Carver and Chaplain Moore. A programs had been arranged which was fully carried out and consisted of music by the Baptist choir male quartet, a historical essay by Master Morton Campbell, a recitation by Miss Annette Carver and orations by John L. Locks, Esq., and Capt. J.B. Ferguson and an address by Mr. Carver. The exercises were all carried through “decently and in order” as becomes the occasion. Rev. J. A. Thrapp read the Soldier’s call for a convention in Cambridge to be held June 21st.
Following is the list of soldiers who lie buried in Cambridge Cemetery as read by Capt. J. B. Ferguson, which we give for preservation by their comrades and friends; John Allen, Capt. James Adair, James Beading, Isaiah Bean, W. Barnett, Samuel Barber, Wm. H. Ball, Wm. Braden, Levi C. Brown, Samuel Brown, Thomas Brown, Barney Brown, (1812), Capt. John B. Cook, C. Carr, George Coupf, Nathan Clary, Nelson Cochran, Charles R. Clark, Burl Dodd, Col. John Ferguson, Alex, Frazier, James Frazier, Capt. Peter Gebhart, Jesse Grimes, E. Grimes, (1812) Joseph Hutchison, Alfred Herring, Johnson Hammond, Dr. Milton Hoge, James Johnson, Robert Jones, Alex. Johnson, John Likes, John McGiffen, Horace McConehay, James McConehay, Hugh McCathrine, William McCathrine, Isaac McNutt, June McHenry, Robert J. McCoy, R. McPeek, William McCracken, John M. McCracken, Charles Meyer, William Moss, William Martin, Col. Charles H. Moore, Capt John R. Murray, James Moore, Joseph Morrow, Abner Milner, George Macomer, (1812) Samuel McConehay, Benjamin Nelson, (1812), George Nichols, James W. Needham, Samuel Nelson, Benjamin R. Nelson, T.K. Parkinson, Lloyd Piatt, James Queen, William Queen, Thomas Rankin, Cyrus Scott, William Speer, Ali Stewart, D. Stewart, Zeph. Suitt, Josiah Scott, David Thomas, Benjamin Thomas, W. S. Taylor, James Turner, (1812), William Thompson, J. Clark Wiser, Joseph Waller, Frank Watt, Robert Wilson, William Wiser, Wm. Yates.