My Testimony

On January 17, 1996, I had a subarachnoid hemorrhage. I went into a coma. When the ambulance attendants wheeled me up my gravel drive, it aroused me enough to hear the attendant say “It’s her brain”. I am really glad he said this as it gave me the chance to talk to God. I asked God to “Please Forgive Me” and said “don’t let me live if I don’t have any brain.” At this point, I remember them saying she’s not breathing. From this point on I can’t give you any story on what I saw but I can say it was very peaceful. I did not want to come back. The doctor had told my family, I probably would not make it. God had other plans for me. When I came in and out of consciousness, I saw angels all around my room. The angels were my family members, but all with wings. With in two weeks I was home. For months I laid around not knowing to eat, drink or do anything. The first thing I do remember is I noticed a spot on my arm which looked like a baby’s footprint always questioning “What is this?” and each time still noticing it looked like a baby’s footprint. The next thing I remember is seeing Karen Peck singing “God like’s to work when nothing else will” and The Spencers singing “One day at a time.”
As you can see it was God’s will for me to be here and to get well. He does answer prayers!!! I still have some problems but God get’s me through them. As for the footprint, our daughter told me maybe it was telling me I was born again. As soon as I realized that I was born again, it disappeared.
I give God all the praise and all the glory for the extra time he has given me and for what I have in life.