Photo’s Of YesterYear
Cambridge Baking Company 1938
Quaker City Bank
Stories of Guernsey County by Wm. Wolfe, page 654
Quaker City National Bank.–Established in 1872, the Quaker City National Bank is the second oldest bank in Guernsey county. Isaac W. Hall, a heavy stockholder and director of the National Bank of Cambridge, was the promoter of this institution. The capital stock of the Quaker City National Bank was $50,000, which was increased to $100,000 two years after its organization. The original stockholders were the following: Isaac W. Hall, Cyrus Hall, Thomas C. Hall, Joel Hall, Cynah Doudna, Jesse Doudna, W. N. Cowden, T. M. Johnson, Eli Hall, Robert McBurney, Clark Rose, Jonathan Rose, J. R. Johnson, John Smith, Ann Philpot, Maria Philpot, Eli Webster, D. C. Goodhart, William Weaver, Thomas Moore, Jonah Smith, Rosemond Heidlebach, J. T. McPherson, William Rose and Elizabeth Rose.
For directors the stockholders elected Isaac W. Hall, W. N. Cowden, Jonathan Rose, Thomas Moore, Eli Hall, J. T. McPherson and D. C. Goodhart. Isaac W. Hall was named president. He served as such until his death in 1886, when he was succeeded by his son, John R. Hall. The latter was president until his death in 1924. H. S. Hartley, now serving, succeeded John R. Hall. In its seventy years this institution has had but three presidents. It’s cashiers have been as follows: T. M. Johnson (1872-84), John R. Hall (1884-86), I. P. Steele (1886-1927), H. B. Garber ( 1927-35), G. M. Hartley, the present cashier. This bank opened for business in a new brick banking house on east Main street. Here it remained until 1909, when it moved to a modern building it completed that year, at the corner of Broadway and South street.
Composing the board of directors in 1941 were H. W. Arndt, Blanche B. Hall, F. J. Hall, H. S. Hartley, G. M. Hartley, J. Homer Steele and W. G. Wolfe. The president was H. S. Hartley; vice president, W. G. Wolfe; cashier, G. M. Hartley; assistant cashiers, Blanche B. Hall and Mabel Arick.
In 1941 the Quaker City National Bank had a capital stock of $100,000; surplus, $150,000; undivided profits, $17,000; reserves, $80,000; deposits, $1,905,000; total resources, $2, 252,000.
Central National Bank
Stories Of Guernsey County by Wm. Wolfe, page 652
The Central National Bank at Cambridge.–The Central National Bank was established in 1882 with a capital stock of $100,000. The first president was A. J. Hutchison; the first cashier, W. E. Boden.
At the corner of Wheeling avenue and West Eighth street the officers of this bank erected a five story building in 1904. Nearly all of the first floor of the structure is used for banking purposes; the upper floors are used for office rooms. The present charter dates from 1933, in which year a reorganization was effected.
In 1941 Fred Raymond was chairman of the board; C. Ellis Moore, president; W. G. Lane and W. D. Archer, vice presidents; T. R. Hazard, cashier; A. C. Duffey, assistant cashier. The members of the board of directors were W. D. Archer, G. Roy Boyd, T. R. Hazard, C. A. Johnston, W. G. Lane, C. Ellis Moore, W. T. O; Malley Fred Raymond and J. C. Thompson.
This bank had a capital in 1941 of $125,000 (com.), $25.000 (pref.); surplus, $36,000; undivided profits, $25,000; deposits, $1,222,000; other liabilities, $2,000; total resources, $1,435,000.
Armstrong Bridge
Stories of Guernsey County by Wm. Wolfe page 51
Beatty Log Bridge
Over Wills creek is an elegant bridge, erected last summer by Gomber and Beatty, proprietors of the town. It is 80 feet between the abutments, which are of freestone, well masoned, and is supported by king and queen posts and their necessary substantial braces. The whole length of the bridge is 480 feet.
Page 203
A Log Bridge.—Zaccheus A. Beatty, son of John Beatty, saw the advantages of a bridge over a ferry, so he financed the construction of one. It was built of logs and had a puncheon floor. Toll was required of those who crossed on it. The road that passed over it was Zane’s Trace. Claim has been made that this was the first bridge legally authorized to be built in the Northwest Territory. The territorial legislature of 1801, two years before Ohio became a state, authorized the construction of a bridge over Wills creek in Washington county; also a bridge across the Muskingum River at Zanesville. Washington county then included all Eastern Ohio. It was several years after authority was granted before the bridge was constructed.
Crooked S Bridge, Old Washington
Indian Camp Bridge
Jefferson Twp over Salt Fork
Kennedy Bridge over Wills Creek
Kennedy Bridge
C. C. Vandemark at entrance
Stories of Guernsey County by Wm. Wolfe page 764-765-766-767
Covered Bridges
Passing out with the “horse and buggy days”.—perhaps not quite so fast—are the old covered bridges. Spanning Guernsey county streams here and there may yet be seen some of these relics of the long ago. However, they are rapidly disappearing and erelong the last one will have vanished. Then the old Familiar landmarks will exist in memory only, or as preserved in story and art.
Now a Nuisance.—Back in the old days the covered bridge met the traveler’s need, but in this age of hurly-burly with its fast motor cars, it is deemed a nuisance. On every main-traveled thoroughfare it has been replaced by a structure of concrete or steel. It is on the less important roads only that the old bridges still stand, awaiting, as it seems, the rapidly approaching day of their demise. Many persons whose minds sometimes dwell in the past, when they see one of these old existing landmarks, experience an emotion somewhat akin to nostalgia. The sight occasions a flood of memories of other days. Unsentimental indeed is the person whose youth was spent in the neighborhood of a covered bridge, if there is not today a soft spot in his heart for such a structure.
Why Bridges Were Covered.—When we note the neat concrete of steel structure today, we may wonder why a bridge was ever weather boarded and roofed. The top and lateral covering protected the timbers which, if exposed to the weather, would soon have decayed. This added weight enabled the bridge to withstand greater floods. Then, although the builder may not have considered such a purpose, an enclosed bridge was often a shelter in time of a storm.
In the construction of a covered bridge no engineering or architectural skill was required. The work was usually done by local masons and carpenters at a cost of a few hundred dollars, depending upon the length of the bridge. The characteristic features were the massive abutments, the approaches, the winged walls in front of some, the heavy trussed framework, and the red paint. Some bridges yet standing have hand hewn timbers, preserving in a way the very personalities of the pioneers who fashioned them. The hardiness of our forefathers who built them by hand I symbolized by the strength indicated in their construction.
A Place of Interest.—The covered bridge was inviting to the traveler. It broke the cold wind in the winter and the hot sun in the summer. Its grateful coolness and velvet gloom contrasted with the heat and dust and the glittering light outside. It was as welcome as the oasis in the desert.
Within was always something of interest that caused one to want to tarry. Many covered bridges were historic. Perhaps some noted persons passed through them in early days. This gave the bridges a peculiar distinction of which one imagined them to be proud. Perhaps, at the time of Morgan’s Raid, the valiant militia saved the bridges from being burned by standing there on guard all night with pickets out, although Morgan, in passing through Guernsey county, was not within ten miles of the place. Perhaps it was here that on a dark rainy night a robber waylaid a traveler and killed him. Some bridges were haunted. Attached to many were legends and traditions.
Posted above the entrance at either end of a long bridge was the warning against riding or driving through faster than a walk. The penalty ranged from two to ten dollars. The inner walls were covered with advertisements. They took the place of the bill boards seen along the public highways today. Sale bills, sheriffs’ notices, circus posters, and the old familiar “Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,” “Burdock’s Bitters,” “J. T. Tobacco,” “Barker’s Horse and Cattle Powder,” “Dixon’s Axle Grease,” and “Peruna” were usually there. To a youngster, the drive through was over too soon’ he could not see it all.
Then on rainy days the old bridge was the gathering-place for the boys of the neighborhood. Tag was played here, imaginary holdups were staged, and all kinds of acrobatic stunts were performed on the cross-beams above. Every boy had to cut his initials inside the bridge, the honor place being high on the beams.
The worn loose planks of the bridge floor resounded from the tramp of the horses and the turning of the carriage wheels. This sound, magnified by the weathered walls, could be heard far away. “Somebody’ coming through the bridge,” was the common comment of those within hearing. Some old folks we used to know would always say “the kivered bridge.” The trained ear of many enabled them to know who the “somebody” was, even though he had not come in sight. They had become accustomed to the sound made by the gait of different horses.
Several Covered Bridges Remain.—To see a covered bridge one must drive back from a main highway. Spanning Wills creek is the Kennedy bridge three miles south of Kimbolton. Beyond the mouth of Buffalo creek near Derwent, Wills Creek is called Seneca. Although but one stream, Guernsey county’s leading creek bears two names. On Seneca creek two covered bridge remain—one near Buffalo and one between Senecaville and Seneca Dam.
Seven covered bridges are left on Leatherwood creek. Two of these are in Cambridge township, east of the city. There is one between Kipling and King’s Mine, and one near Gibson in Richland township. In Millwood township there are three—two east of Quaker City, and one a mile west.
Crossing Salt Fork are several covered bridges. Ascending the stream, one will see the first near its junction with Wills creek in Liberty township, on what is known as “The Narrows,” between Route 21 and the railroad; and the second, at the Birmingham road crossing. In Jefferson township Salt Fork is crossed by a covered bridge at the Nelson farm, at Clio, at Brady and at Allen’s church. It is spanned by two in Wills township, and two or three in Oxford.
Sugar Tree has a covered bridge at McCleary’s mill in Jefferson township. Clear Fork has two near Birmingham. One crosses Brushy Fork South of Winterset. Two or three are left on Skull Fork in Londonderry township. There is one on Buffalo creek, north of Cumberland. Near Route 76, Crooked creek is spanned by a covered bridge in Westland township, also south of Frazier’s crossing in Cambridge township. There may be a few others in the county.
Like the proverbial little red schoolhouse the red covered bridge has had its day. It played well its part when nothing better was needed. But this progressive age, unconcerned as to its past service, is putting it out of the way for something demanded by the times. For sentimental reasons it would be well to preserve a few of these old landmarks.
Leeper Bridge
Milligan Bridge
Old Stone Bridge over Crooked Creek
Built in 1828
Stories of Guernsey County by Wm. Wolfe page 235-236-237-238
Old Stone Bridge
Built across Crooked creek, at the foot of the hill on the National Road west of Cambridge, is the bridge pictured above. Although it appears to be straight in the picture, a part of it is curved. This bridge was built in 1828, and was the scene of the accident in the story, “Perilous Accident and Extraordinary Escape”
Some of the bridges on the National Road are called “S” bridges, because their shape is somewhat like the shape of that letter; others are called “Crooked” bridges. This one belongs to the latter class. One of the most curious of these bridges stood west of Hendreyburg, in Belmont county.
The reason the builders had for designing such shapes is not known. Several different conjectures have been offered, some of which seem reasonable and others ludicrous. It is probable that there was no one reason’ some may have been so designed for one purpose and other for another.
Aside form their shape the bridges attract attention on account of their massive masonry and the evidence of excellent workmanship. After more than a century of service, with little or no repair, some of the bridges are in good condition.
There were four or five stone bridges of considerable size on the National Road in Guernsey county. This Crooked creek bridge, the one across Salt Fork creek west of Middlebourne, and perhaps one or two others in the county, are no longer crossed by the National Road. A change in the course of the road has left them standing aside. It is hoped they will be preserved for their architectural and historical interest.
“Perilous Accident and Extraordinary Escape”
This story bears a heading that was used as such to a news story printed in The Guernsey Times on Saturday, January 13, 1832. The news story is reproduced here to show that travel on the National Road had its hazards a century ago; also to show the style of news reporting at that time.
Many accidents on National Road in Early Days.–Accidents attended travel on the National Road before the advent of the automobile. One who made a journey took a risk, just as he who travels that highway today. Stagecoaches were held up, and lone travelers were waylaid and robbed. Teams would often get beyond the control of drivers on steep hills and vehicles would upset at curves. Casualties were not as many because travel was less; however, there was a goodly number.
The corked stone bridge that spans Crooked creek that spans Crooked creek west of Cambridge, has been the scene of many automobile accidents within recent years. Approached from the east by a steep grade, it is dangerous on account of the sharp curve within the bridge itself. Skidding automobiles have been wrecked there a number of times.
First Accident at Crooked Creek Bridge.–The first recorded accident on the National Road near Cambridge occurred at this crooked stone bridge over Crooked creek, and in a manner similar to that of accidents there today; but to a different kind of conveyance. Here is the story just as it appeared in The Guernsey Times:
“An accident happened on Saturday morning last, at Crooked creek which, among the many moving accidents by flood and fire occurring from time to time in various quarters of this widespread country, was not he least remarkable as an instance of escape from peril of the most imminent kind. The circumstances, as related to the editor, are these:
“A sled containing the United States mail and seven passengers who found it necessary to use it for a traveling conveyance, in consequence of the upsetting and breaking of the mail stage, on Friday, last, near Fairview, left the stage office in this place on Saturday morning for Zanesville, the roads being at the time completely covered with ice.
“At the bridge over Crooked creek there is a sudden turn in the road as it passes the stream. This happened to be the point of danger. It appears that, in passing around the turn at a quick speed, the sled was thrown from its track in the center of the road, and dashed with all its contents against the parapet wall of the bridge and overturned.
“The passengers (some of whom we regret to learn were much injured) were instantaneously thrown form their seats. Three of their number, one of whom was a lady, were cast by the force of the concussion over the parapet wall into the stream below. One of these, a gentleman, fell upon the edge of the stream; the other two—the lady before mentioned and a gentleman form Steubenville (Mr. Turnbull) fell into the water, which was supposed to have been ten feet deep at that time. The former individual was considerably bruised by the fall; the latter swam out unhurt and the lady saved herself by clinging to a cake of ice floating near her, until she was rescued form her perilous situation.
“The distance from the top of the parapet wall over which they were precipitated to the surface of the stream, is said to have been upwards of twenty feet.
“Those on the bridge did not escape unhurt, having received sundry bruises. A few of those injured were brought back to the stage office at this place, for the purpose of receiving medical aid. One of the mail bags, containing the newspaper mail, was also thrown into the creek, form which, however, it was rescued in the course of the day, but in a state much damaged by the watery element to which it had been so suddenly and unceremoniously consigned.”
According to a tablet erected at the east end of Norwich, Christopher c. Baldwin, librarian of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts, was killed on the curve there, when a stagecoach overturned, on August 20, 1835. The tablet states that it was “the first traffic accident on record in this state.” The accident at the Crooked bridge occurred more than three years before this one; however, no lives were lost.
Old Covered Double Bridge
West Side of Double Bridge
Stories of Guernsey County by Wm. Wolfe page 203
The Old Covered Bridge.—When the National Road was built through Cambridge in 1828, the old log toll bridge gave place to a new structure. This was the historic covered bridge that was torn away a few years ago. The tablets placed at each end of the bridge told who its builders were:
“Built in 1828, J. P. Shannon, Undertaker, L. V. Wernwag, Architect, J. Kinkead, Mason.”
That it was in use for almost a century is evidence of the honest and efficient workmanship of its builders. The abutments were placed on heavy timbers laid transversely, having been sunk ten feet below the surface of the ground. The stone was brought from a quarry in Adams township. The iron nails used in its construction were hauled from Pittsburgh. The heavy nails and spikes were handmade.
This bridge was not built across the creek as one might suppose, but in the field south of the stream. There was no bridge-building machinery such as we have today. It was easier to build it on dry ground and turn the stream under it afterwards. Three channels were dug, which soon merged into one.
The flood of 1913 weakened the old bridge, it was believed, and it was condemned. There must be another Wills creek crossing. Whose place would it be to build it—the federal government, the state of Ohio, Guernsey county, the city of Cambridge, or the railroad companies? Should it be merely another bridge across the creek, or a viaduct that would eliminate the dangerous railroad crossing: For more than ten years the questions were undecided. In the meantime the old bridge had been torn away and a temporary one that was believed to be safe was used instead.
Richland Twp Bridge, Road 154,
Fork of Wills Creek over Seneca
Viaduct Bridge
Stories of Guernsey County by Wm. Wolfe page 203
The Viaduct.—On February 1, 1924, the contract for the viaduct was let to Hickey Brothers’ Construction Company, Columbus, Ohio, the cost to be met by the State of Ohio, Guernsey County, and the Baltimore and Ohio and the Pennsylvania Railroad Companies. The actual cost was $169,940.90, but including the damages allowed, engineering and inspection, the total expenditures reached fully $200,000.00.
Guernsey county officials connected with the construction of the viaduct were the following: J. C. Shaw, J. M. Tedrick and T. H. Lewis, commissioners; C. S. Marsh, surveyor; G. D. Dugan, prosecuting attorney; and B. F. Deselm, auditor. H. P. Chapman was the chief engineer, and Peter Sheehan, the local engineer in charge.
The viaduct is 590 feet in length with a driveway for vehicles, twenty four feet in width. On the east side is a walk six feet wide for pedestrians. The approach at each end of the bridge has a grade of nine per cent. The span is twenty-two feet above the railroad tracks.
The viaduct was formally opened on Tuesday, January 20, 1925, and was announced by the shrieking of factory whistles and the sounding of hundreds of automobile horns.
Ninth Street Bridge
photo courtesy of Tim Smith
photo courtesy of Tim Smith
The County Home
Stories of Guernsey County by Wm. Wolfe Page 486-487
The County Home
In 1831 a law was passed by the General Assembly of Ohio, creating what was then termed the “poor house.” Under the provisions of this law a county might establish such an institution for the care of its unfortunate poor. In 1850 the name was changed to “infirmary,” and at a later date to “county home.”
First Care of the Poor.—Guernsey county did not provide a home for its poor for ten years after legal authority had been granted to do so. Each township took care of its own indigent citizens. The expression that a certain person or family was “on the township” meant that the person or family was being supplied with food and other necessities at public expense. Before roads required as much attention as today, the work of a board of township trustees pertained mainly to the care of the poor.
Home Established in 1841.—In 1841 the county commissioners purchased the farm of Josiah Robe, consisting of 160 acres. It was located in Wills township, two miles south of Washington. The amount paid for it was $3500.
The law enacted in 1831, which authorized the establishment of “poor houses” by boards of county commissioners, provided for the election f three infirmary directors in each county, who would appoint superintendents and have general jurisdiction over the institutions. The first directors chosen were Messrs. Barton, Smith and Sproat. William Lawrence, of Washington, was the member from Guernsey county in the General Assembly at the time, and he secured the necessary incorporation papers.
The institution was operated on a small scale at first. A dwelling on the farm was used. It was later enlarged by the addition of two wings. In 1859 a brick building, three stories in height, eighty feet long, thirty-five feet wide, with an “L” in the center forty-five feet in depth and twenty-five feet wide, was erected.
The original dwelling and this large brick building constituted the Guernsey county “infirmary” until 1912. A half century of use was beginning to show on the walls and foundation which had become cracked and weakened. A bond issue for a new building, submitted to the voters of the county, failed to carry. The state department of inspection of public buildings declared the structure unsafe, and the residents were moved to a home in Washington, that was rented by the county authorities.
The Home at Present.—For eight years, from 1912 to 1920, the home on the infirmary farm was abandoned. Improvements were then made at a cost of $18,000, that placed the building in a modern and safe condition. A water system and electric lights were installed and many conveniences added that would contribute to the comfort and happiness of the residents. At the present time fifty persons are living at the county home. This number is above the average for the ninety years since the institution was established.
The farm now contains 212 acres. The land is kept in excellent condition, as are the spacious grounds about the home, the fences and out-buildings. All this reflects much credit upon the long-time superintendent and matron, Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Leonard, and the present officials, Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Inskeep. The farm is very productive and not only supplies much of the food for the home, but is also a source of revenue. Two or there teams of horses are kept for work on the farm. Fifteen cows supply milk and butter. About thirty hogs are butchered each year.
In 1913 the board of infirmary directors was abolished and the work of administration placed in the hands of the county commissioners. The office of infirmary director, although the compensation was very little, used to be sought by members of both political parties.
Guernsey county has never willingly neglected her poor. A home has been provided for those so unfortunate as to have none of their own, the means of obtaining it, or persons whom they might charge for their support. And they are given here kindly care and consideration.
T.W. Scott with the First Fire Engine
Stories of Guernsey County by Wm. Wolfe Page 583
The First Fire Engine.—A fire engine was purchased, the cost being $6,500. It weighed 3,600 pounds and was pulled by hand. Its arrival was the occasion for much excitement in Cambridge. Everybody wanted to see it in action and most of the cisterns on Wheeling avenue were pumped dry in the demonstrations. Then it was taken down to Wills Creek where there was an unlimited supply of water that could be used for practice and entertainment.
An announcement that the fire engine would be exhibited at the county fair the following month drew a large crowd. One farmer drove twenty miles, he said, just to see the new “water squirter.” For several years the engine occupied a prominent place in the Cambridge parades, whatever the occasion.
Every body was pleased with the new engine. Within four and one-half minutes after a fire was started in it, a stream of water was thrown over tops of trees and houses. It was proposed that, when not needed for fires, the engine be used in sprinkling the streets. Cambridge was not paved then and there was much dust.
The engine was stored in the basement of the Town Hall, and here the members of the Rescue Hook and Ladder Company met regularly. A fire bell was placed on the top of the building, but when it was found that its ringing jarred the plastering loose in the Masonic room on the third floor, it was moved to a high pole in front of the hall. With the engine came a wagon for carrying hooks and ladders, and 1,400 feet of hose.
Seagrave Pumper 1928 8th Street Fire Station
Chief- H. C. Callihan, Unknown, Harry Siegfried, Jack Fulton
(McCracken Funeral Home on the right)